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We are a blended family creating sacred spaces to give you multidimensional support so you can awake your inner wisdom and use your power to live a conscious transformation if you're pregnant or looking for of therapeutic accompaniment and support.

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Our Story

Chapter I


Back in 2006 our first daughter, Parvati, was born at home with the help of a gyneco obstetrician and a doula, between candles and incense, sweetness and comfort in warm water. Then in 2007, Ishvara, the second baby, came at home too surrounded by family and by the same professional team to confirm that this was the way to create a portal for a new human being coming through us...

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Chapter II


Then in 2008 Habana came in a private hospital through a c-section that taught how cold and disconnected modern medicine can be for women and families that need to reconnect with this original design for creating life. We believe that despite all the medical procedures that can guarantee a safe childbirth, values such as love, warm empathy, compassion, tenderness, respect and sacredness are key to have a beautiful delivery both at home or in a medical center.

Finally, in 2019 Gael joined us again thanks to a c-section in a public medical center as a result of heart issues, again, in spite of the safety, there were mistreatment and abuse of authority.

What We Do

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Doula, NLP Practitioner, Ayurveda Practitioner, Journalist, Meditation & Yoga Lover.


Mother of Habana, Gael, Parvati and Ishvara...


After two C-sections I decided to learn how I could help other women to have a magical experience having their babies. I'm here to help you remember how to live a conscious pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum! 2021 is the year of personal freedom so let's get rid of the bindings of the past and receive the present of life!

Kaybeliz López

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Therapist, Doula, NLP Practitioner, Ayurveda Counselor.


I enjoy my different roles as father of five and therapies facilitator.


After several years of self discovering guided by Michael El Nour (Embodiment of Archangel Michael) since  2005, I know that the only way to heal myself is to embrace my fear, to know and transform my shadow, and finally, let my own voice resonate from the balanced Self. As a physicist, I believe that quantum healing is key: through emotional work we transform our inner state  in order to change from the inside out.

Bruno Frerard

Our Spiritual Guide

Nebulosa del Cangrejo

Michael El Nour

Embodiment of the Archangel Michael


The principle of Light, the Blue Ray and God's champion. Dragon's slayer, one of the Solar gods, universal protector, head of Angels; Alpha and Omega, he holds the Dragon and organizes de chaos. He is the Creator-god in our corner of creation. In our universe, Michael's consciousness resides in Vega

Is a highly knowledgeable and experienced international spiritual teacher and leader, whose innate capacities, perception, inner knowledge, teachings have been decades in advance compare to the most renown spiritual authors and teachers. Michael's body has experienced an Ascension at age 28, then came back in order to continue his/her task until the embodiment of the Archangel in 1998. Michael is also a full Kundalini master, triggering and supporting his students in this regard. Embodying the Presence, the Monad and Christ Consciousness, Michael delivers the frequencies pertaining to these levels of Consciousness.

Has been leading metaphysical workshops and conferences for more than 30 years, triggering fast changes in people's life and multi-dimensional capacities (You are the limit). Has has no spiritual teacher or mentor except his/her Archangelic Spiritual Self. During very unique workshops and retreats, Michael naturally and lovingly shares the codes inlaid in His Field, and Essence, practices the magic of the Word.

He also brings: A synthesis between the old spiritual tradition as taught by the Gnosis, the Lodges, secrets schools and the refreshing aspects of modern consciousness - without the naivety of the New Age. He shares an intuitive grasp of the universal mechanisms as now revealed by the latest research in quantum physics, and also gives an honest look at the history and evolution of Humankind's connection to God and Consciousness through mythology, cult, Secret Societies and organized religions.

More about the Archangel Michael...

Our Neuro-linguistic Programming Trainer

Image by Freddy Clavo

Diry Navas


Retired Teacher of the Technical Institute of University of Yaracuy; Master's Degree in Behavior Orientation; Inductor in Neuro-linguistic Programming; Facilitator of Seminars and Personal Growth Workshops Based on NLP and Gestalt; Practitioner, Master and Trainer's Training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming; Coordinator and Facilitator of the NLP Training Program in its three academic levels: Practitioner, Master and Trainer; Creator and Facilitator of the Training Program of Drawings applied to the de-codification of the graphic language of signals, symbols, colors and metaphors hosted by the subconscious and unconscious minds; Creator and Facilitator of the Training Program: Health from the NLP framework.

More about Diry Navas...

Our Doula Trainers

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Awaken Woman, Wife, Mother and Grandmother. Passionate Doula Master and Trainer


She's not only our personal doula but our trainer. Of a great intuition and sensibility, for more than 20 years, Isabella has accompanied more than 300 childbirths and humanized c-sections. An artist in the domain of Feminine Healing and biodynamic massage. In her presence you can feel Mother's energy pulsing. With her husband Beltrán Lares, she's one of the founders of Auroramadre, Art & Science of Giving Birth.


More about Isabella Polito...

Conscious Man, Husband, Father and Grandfather. Dedicated Gyneco Obstetrician and Childbirth Master/Trainer

More than 20 years helping women to give birth over the values of Respected/Humanized Childbirth. Prenatal and Postnatal Educator, Lactancy Counselor, and Conscious Parenting Trainer. He's given the opportunity to more than 2000 women to have a vaginal birth, water birth and humanized c-section. Author of the Manifest for the Humanization of Birth in Venezuela.

More about Beltrán Lares...

Valentina Francisco

Consciousness Seeker, Woman, Mother, Wife,

Passionate Psychologist and Doula Master/Trainer

Her compromise with women and families started years ago. She's a talented professional and forever learner, always questioning the mindset, the belief system and looking for the pieces in the shadow to remember the Wholeness of the Being... great skills for helping pregnant mothers, couples and families.

More about Valentina Francisco...


Our Love Letter

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Receive our fortnightly Love Letter,  sometimes written by Kay, others by Bruno, or our teenagers Parvati, Ishvara, and Habana.

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Support Us

This is our family entrepreneurship! And something that maybe you don't know is that we are an recently emigrated family, so any contribution will be received with joy ad gratitude!

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